Monday, April 9, 2012

Gas Price Review

In Mr. Verheyden's editorial last week he reviewed gas prices and whether they are they result of any one party. He notes that there have been considerable debate to who's fault it is, with each side blaming the other. I think it is reasonable that he says "The truth... lies somewhere in the middle." He mentions that Obama's administration has said that it is not the supply side that is causing the high gas prices, which I think is not an clear statement. As Mr. Verheyden pointed out in his editorial, if there is insufficient supply, prices will go up. What I believe Obama was most likely saying was that increasing domestic supply, as Republicans seek, will have little effect on gas prices. This I can agree with, and Mr. Verheyden points out as well. He says that domestic production has increased in the time that Obama has been in office, it's smart to note that it may not be his doing, and that gas prices have not gone down. It is important to realize that oil is a global commodity and that many factors can affect the prices including global supply reductions from unrest in the middle east to the continual increase in demand in growing countries like China. I think that if domestic production could have a great effect on the price of gas, than we would have seen clear evidence of this. I believe that oil is out of our control and that the best choice is to remove ourselves from depending on it.

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